Doctrine—what Christians believe—directly influences how they live. But Biblical truths about God, humanity, and the world are not merely about knowing more—they are also about loving God and making sense of this life and the life to come. In “Do You Believe?”, pastor and author Paul David Tripp takes a close look at how 12 core doctrines engage and transform the human heart and mind.
Last summer, we looked at the first six doctrines in this book. This summer, whether you were here last year or not, please join us for the second half! Additionally, each week stands alone in terms of content, so please join us even if you've missed one or more weeks.
Men: Tuesday Evenings (5:30–7:45pm)** OR Wednesday Mornings (6–7:30am)
Women: Tuesday Evenings (5:30–7:45pm)** OR Wednesday Mornings (9:30–11:30am)*
**Includes Dinner and Childcare; *Includes Childcare