January 5, 2020

This Sunday at Park Church we’ll celebrate Epiphany, a day that focuses on the appearance of Christ, the Light of the World.

Learn about Epiphany and explore our artistic accompaniment to the season over at The Christian Year. Here’s how you can prepare for Sunday:

1. Read through our text, John 4:1–30.

Those who observe Christmas as a standalone event may find it difficult to get past the sentimentality of seeing a mild-natured baby in the manger. But the incarnation involves much more than the drama of Christmas itself; it brings a vision of God’s glory to the nations of the world.

Epiphany is a day to focus on Jesus’ ministry so that, from Christmas onward, worshipers grow in awareness of the significance of Jesus’ entire life.

(Adapted from “The Worship Sourcebook.”)

2. Read, pray, and sing through the service:

CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 36:7–9

Here For You (Maher, Redman, Reeves, Wanstall)
Walk Among Us (Joel Limpic)

CONFESSION OF SIN: From The Worship Sourcebook:

God of grace,
we confess that we have elevated things of this world above You.
We have made idols of possessions and people
and used Your name for causes that are not consistent with You and Your purposes.
We have permitted our schedules to come first
and have not taken the time to worship You.
We have not always honored those who guided us in life.
We have participated in systems that take life instead of give it.
We have been unfaithful in our covenant relationships.
We have yearned for, and sometimes taken, that which is not ours,
and we have misrepresented others’ intentions.
Forgive us, O God,
for the many ways we fall short of Your glory.
Help us to learn to live together according to Your ways
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

ASSURANCE OF PARDON: Ezekiel 36:25–26

Who You Say I Am (Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan)
Amazing Grace (John Newton)


Christ Whose Glory Fills The Skies (John Petterson, Charles Wesley)
All Glory Be To Christ (Dustin Kensrue arr. Kings (MHM))